Fixed malePercentage gender ratio for 133 Pokémon species, causing the number to be rounded down instead of adding a decimal.20479 Fixed Iron Thorns being undexable.Fixed missing moves for fused Calyrex Ice Rider and Shadow Rider.Fixed flying values not accounting for higher or equal values to 0, causing logging errors.20052 Fixed /checkspawn for forage and rocksmash causing server errors in console.20457 Fixed Darmanitan defaulting to 'normal' form when evolving Darumaka with an Ice Stone.Fixed server crashes caused by Mystery Box usage on Arclight-powered servers.Fixed hordes failing to respect spawn weights.20452 Fixed legendaries failing to spawn due to the spawning system calling threads wrongly.20472 Fixed NPCTrainers crashing the server when trying to engage a player they have already fought this day when set to once-a-day or once-a-mc-day setting.Removed deprecated debug commands: /pixeldebug, /psnapshot, /reloadmoveanimations, /reloadmoveanimation and /pixeltp.Added group spawn chance with Toedscool to Toedscruel's spawning.Added Toedscruel to Mushroom, Redwoods, and Taigas during Day.Added Toedscool to Mushroom, Redwoods, and Taigas during Day.Updated structures for Spear Pillar A, Spear Pillar B, Sail Boat, Grass Gym Pokémart, Desert Pokémart, Savanna Pokémart and Taiga Pokémart.Added Pokémon sounds for Aegislash, Ariados, Bellibolt, Brambleghast, Bramblin, Brute Bonnet, Cosmog, Doublade, Drilbur, Excadrill, Frillish, Froslass, Grafaiai, Honedge, Marshtomp, Pidove, Pignite, Ponyta, Purugly, Reshiram, Shroodle, Spoink, Tadbulb, Toedscool, Toedscruel, Tyrunt and Varoom.

The minimum Forge version for this update is 36.2.34 and is required for a Pixelmon client to run.